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FME supercharges Electra’s Dial Before You Dig Enquiry Process

In order to keep up with the high volume of planned work enquiries, Electra needed to move towards a fully automated ‘Before You Dig’ enquiry process. The existing beforeUdig enquiry process involved GIS team members performing manual, time-intensive tasks.

Understanding FME Flow as a Web Service for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

FME Flow is commonly used to integrate business systems through data transformation processes run on a schedule. Often synchronising the data repositories of different applications hourly, daily, or weekly is acceptable however, FME Flow supports alternate usage patterns that may be a better fit for some scenarios. Let’s take a closer look.

FME 2022.0 has landed – let’s check it out!

The latest FME release delivers some exciting new and improved features that will continue your organisation’s ability to enhance collaboration, improve data quality and maximise resource allocation – let’s jump straight in and take a look!

Automation Keys in FME Flow Automations

FME Flow Automations and Automation keys enable the distribution of messages through Automations, delivering well organised, customisable workflows that bring value to your organisation.

Working with Datetime and FME

Datetime data can be complicated to work with but has great value to an organization. Many systems and data sources have datetime fields which can be used to extend the value of your data, delivering better quality reporting and data analysis.

Do More With Your BIM (and the help of FME)

Building Information Modelling – BIM for short, is a complex, detailed model which is full of valuable information enabling you to share, analyse, and store data across different formats. BIM data can be transformed, integrated, or validated using FME processes

Airports and Beyond: Map the Future of Your Data

Most of us spend 90% of our time indoors but almost none of that is mapped.Customers expect a seamless experience from start to finish and indoor mapping is a key enabler. Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) provides a comprehensive model for any indoor location; a basis for orientation, navigation and discovery.

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