Defence Services

Data is among the most important assets of any organisation; the privacy and security of it critical yet data security concerns can often circumvent the culture of data sharing limiting who can use it, and how.

FME can be used to deliver data through workflows, manipulating, customising and validating to produce exactly what is needed.

Defence services across New Zealand and Australia use FME

Integrate large volumes
of data

With data origins from diverse sources, ranging from intricate topographic datasets and high-resolution imagery to cutting-edge drone feeds and complex legacy systems – FME is a powerhouse data unification solution. Its unmatched capabilities enable a comprehensive, real-time understanding and empower defence services to harness data’s full potential, driving informed decisions and strategic superiority.

Create and distribute information resources

Effortlessly generating real-time maps, insightful reports, and instant notifications, FME empowers defence personnel in creating and distributing crucial information resources. This dynamic capability enhances situational awareness, enabling swift, well-informed decisions. Whether in the field or command centres, FME ensures that accurate intelligence reaches the right hands promptly.

Gather business intelligence

FME proves indispensable in gathering business intelligence. Detecting anomalies in intricate data sets, it empowers the creation and execution of workflows that lead to swift, informed decisions. This capability is vital in identifying irregularities, uncovering hidden patterns, and extracting actionable insights. FME ensures that defence strategists have the tools needed to navigate complexities, enhance operational efficiency, and bolster national security.

Process data efficiently

FME has the capability to revolutionize data processing. Whether it’s real-time information gathering, rapid data mining, or sharing on a predetermined schedule, FME sets an unprecedented standard for efficiency. Armed with FME, data processing reaches unmatched speeds, empowering operations with the agility to respond swiftly to evolving scenarios. In a domain where time is critical, FME ensures that data processing is not only swift but also strategically impactful.

FME Flow Security

FME Flow is a web-server application that uses the power of FME Form to automate and manage data integration workflows. With FME Flow it’s possible to share your spatial data with authorized users while preventing unauthorized access.
Learn more about FME Flow

As an FME Flow administrator, you can add users, create roles and assign roles/object policies.FME Flow security is equipped to be used either stand- alone or as an integrated part of an existing infrastructure.The advanced security features of FME Flow balanced with a product that is simple to use (and install) makes it a trusted choice for organisations of all industries. Download FME Flow Security Whitepaper.

FME Flow Components

1.     Web Application Server
2.     Web Clients
3.     FME Flow Web Services 
4.     Non-Web Clients
5.     Rest API
6.     FME Flow API
7.     Security
8.     FME Flow Core
9.     Process Monitor
10.  FME Engines
11.  Datasets
12.  FME Flow Database
13.  File System

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The FME Product Suite

Discover the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data worldwide.

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Webinar: Hands-on with FME Flow Apps

Easily create your own secure, scalable, customisable web-based applications – all without the need for coding!

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What type of FME do I need?

View our useful FME considerations flow chart to discover which product and licencing plan is right for you and your organisation.

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