Safe Software has undergone a major rebrand of both company and software products. The branding includes new names for FME Form, FME Flow and FME Flow Hosted with the more friendly FME Form, FME Flow and FME Flow Hosted.
By automating Google Analytics reporting, the Department of Conservation is able to reduce data maintenance overheads and enable a much wider audience within the organisation to access reliable website data to support cross-platform analytics and reporting.
Electra wanted to enhance their low voltage monitoring capability. Their primary goal was to more efficiently identify and locate outages and improve their customer service. Previously, real time monitoring was limited to the high voltage network only.
In order to keep up with the high volume of planned work enquiries, Electra needed to move towards a fully automated ‘Before You Dig’ enquiry process. The existing beforeUdig enquiry process involved GIS team members performing manual, time-intensive tasks.
FME Flow is commonly used to integrate business systems through data transformation processes run on a schedule. Often synchronising the data repositories of different applications hourly, daily, or weekly is acceptable however, FME Flow supports alternate usage patterns that may be a better fit for some scenarios. Let’s take a closer look.
The latest FME release delivers some exciting new and improved features that will continue your organisation’s ability to enhance collaboration, improve data quality and maximise resource allocation – let’s jump straight in and take a look!
FME Flow Automations and Automation keys enable the distribution of messages through Automations, delivering well organised, customisable workflows that bring value to your organisation.
Datetime data can be complicated to work with but has great value to an organization. Many systems and data sources have datetime fields which can be used to extend the value of your data, delivering better quality reporting and data analysis.
Building Information Modelling – BIM for short, is a complex, detailed model which is full of valuable information enabling you to share, analyse, and store data across different formats. BIM data can be transformed, integrated, or validated using FME processes