Powerco distributes electricity and gas to 452,000 households both urban and rural, businesses, major industrial and commercial sites in New Zealand’s North Island.
COVID-19 is affecting us all, and we don’t want software licensing to prevent solutions from being found or communities from being protected. In a quest to support the delivery of good quality, integrated, up-to-the-minute data, Safe Software is offering FME for free for those trying to research and investigate..
FME Software Licence Agreement
View and print the FME Software Licence Agreement. A legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single legal entity) and Safe Software Inc. (“Safe Software”) the makers of FME.
The release of FME 2020.2 delivers some usability enhancements and additional format support. It also
Utility companies often have large amounts of data from multiple sources that need to be converted, transformed and validated. FME allows these companies to accomplish a variety of automation tasks across multiple workstreams
LINZ Data Service
FME is a great solution to both automate the flow of data from LINZ, as well as perform transformation to it at the same time. Experience FME in action with this demo.
FME Flow Security
This whitepaper describes how FME Flow provides comprehensive security including authentication, authorisation, data and network
FME Flow Licencing Instructions – All Options
Refer to the FME Downloads table to install the latest version of FME PDF download Technical Instructions https://drive.google.com/dri Server. FME Flow can be licenced in offline, or online mode. By default, license files are installed to C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Flow\licenses
FME Form – Licencing Instructions – Floating Licence
A floating license means that a single computer is provided with a number of licenses and acts as a server by issuing these licenses to any other computer that requests one. A floating license is a common way for a company to share a limited number of licenses among its FME users