As I savour the last of the crumbs of the Petal Cupcakes Salted Caramel masterpiece which had until recently been enjoying the company of five other equally sumptuously flavoured cupcakes, I felt a certain satisfaction and sense of achievement. 

    A year and a bit since I started at Locus, I have learnt a lot about Safe Software’s FME and the business of supporting and selling it. To solidify my knowledge, I decided to sit the FME Business Professional Certificate which tests a FME partner’s knowledge of the finer points of what it is to be a Platinum FME Reseller. 

    The certification process was straight forward, and easier than the equivalent for FME Form and Flow certifications, achievements held by my more technical colleagues; Darren Fergus, Pip Norris and Jan Roggisch.

    An online quiz with 50 multiple choice questions meant you really needed to be on your game to reach the pass grade.  Certification questions cover licensing, sales strategy, back-end systems, industry use cases, the nuance of Flow engine types and other technical aspects of the FME platform, which any good salesperson needs to know. 

    With 90 minutes to take the test, time was on my side, but I confess I did have moments of thinking a 50/50 Who Wants to be a Millionaire lifeline would have come in handy!

    While a delicious cupcake, a sense of achievement and the congratulations of the Locus team provides ample reward for certification I also look forward to spending a bit more time with clients to ensure they are making the most of their investment in the FME Platform. 

    Use the links below to learn more about FME and the FME Certifications options with Safe Software.

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    Learn more about FME

    Register for FME Accelerator: free 90 min intro to FME

    FME Certifications